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Over 500 verified 6-figure members / over 100 7-figure members

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What do our members say about the group?

...and more on trustpilot.


1/ How much time is required?

Most of our members should be able to find 3-4hrs a week in order to get strong result. And of course if you can find more time, you will progress faster and get better results!

2/ How long does it take to become competent investor?

As a result of a survey completed by our members in 2023, members become significantly more confident in investing, understanding the markets and knowing when to buy and sell stocks within 2-3 months.

3/ I am a beginner and this sounds too complex - is this for me?

Even though we have many 6/7 figure investors, very often people join in their first few years in the market with the first $10-50k invested.

As a good rule of thumb, you should have at least $10k in the market and ability to invest $500/mo to make the most out of Jeremy's long term investing approach.

4/ I am an experienced investor and this sounds too simplistic - is this for me?

We have many 6/7 figure investors with 10+ years of experience as well as hundreds of hours of high-level research. Through the Private Group, people learn how to analyze balance sheet and income statement in more detail.

Additionally, advanced projections, valuation models, and more complex strategies are also part of the curriculum.

5/ What topics are covered in the group and what can I learn?

Detailed description will be sent to you after application, but in general our members learn overall portfolio strategy for long-term investing, how to analyze companies both in term of both quality as well as financials. You will learn how to master balance sheet and income statement to recognize opportunities and what potential red flags are hiding there so you can avoid costly mistakes.

Ultimately you will learn long term financial models so you have better clarity on where the companies are headed for the long term and how that gets reflected in the stock price.

The #1 feature of the Private Group members say they enjoy is now having the knowledge to know when to buy and sell a stock. No more stress about wondering if you made the right decision.